Your social media feed is probably full of motivation regarding the New Year… but how do we materialise this motivation and produce great results?

You don’t need a new year in order to start fresh but there is something inspiring about it. Yet, by the end of this week, 23% of people will quit their resolutions (Inside Out Mastery).

This could be for a variety of reasons but a huge one could be that people aren’t being intentional about creating a lifestyle that fosters the goals they want to achieve.

So if you want to keep the New Year motivation fresh – keep reading.


You can’t move forward unless you know what mistakes you made and how you can improve.

Maybe it’s to improve in an area of expertise, enhance your interpersonal skills, or work on your organisation. Whether it’s physical or mental – there will always be something to work on that will help you approach and complete your work in an efficient way.

But don’t forget to celebrate yourself. 

Ending the year with only negative points may seem like a good way to push yourself but it can actually seriously demotivate you. Ending the year without celebrating any wins can make you feel incapable for the year ahead. 

Whether it’s a small win, or a win only you would recognise – pat yourself on the back and keep going! Those little wins will be the things that help you achieve the big things in the future.

In fact, people who have a positive mindset on life experiences are significantly less depressed and anxious (Mayo Clinic). When you remind yourself that you are capable and you have tangible things to show for it, it will inspire you to keep pushing for the better!


Goals are probably one of the first things you think about when starting a new year, a new job, a new fitness venture, or even a new hobby. They’re how we track progress and celebrate improvements. But people face one of two problems when they make new goals:

  1. They make unrealistic goals

  2. They make super easy goals

Both will not only set you up for failure but also discourage you from making true, consistent changes to your mindset and habits. Goals aren’t set just to achieve a goal, goals are set to mold you into an enhanced version of yourself. 

Wanting to gain muscle? Creating a healthy and active lifestyle will be at the root of it.

Wanting to get a promotion? Dedication and intentionality at work will be what gets you there.

But if you set crazy expectations, or only expect a small amount from yourself – you won’t be able to cultivate the mindsets and habits to achieve.

So set a goal that you know you can achieve – but with true discipline. Then rather than having the expectation of achieving it straight away, break it down into weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals. This will keep you from falling into the 23% of people that give up because they’ve demotivated themselves.

Reorganise, reorganise, reorganise

For students, September is the ‘new year’. With back-to-school outfits, stationary, and planners out from August, parents and older students are planning for a fresh start. Not only does this prepare them but it makes things feel new, exciting, and structured.

According to Select Health, keeping your life organised can:

  • Reduce stress

  • Help you sleep better

  • Promote a healthier diet

  • Increases productivity at work

  • Improve your relationships 

So it’s probably time to do a clear-out and start afresh for the new year. Some things you can reorganise include:

  • Your desk at work

  • Your desktop files

  • Your bag

  • Your car

  • Your house

Who doesn’t love a tidy environment?


Having the self-awareness to know what you need to work on is great, but it can always be improved when you get input from someone else.

Not only has your boss watched your performance so they know specific areas of improvement, but they’ve also succeeded in their own careers. They know what mindsets work and what don’t and they know the level of discipline that goes into success.

Not to mention, once you’ve told your boss what you’re trying to work on – they can hold you accountable by asking you how you’re getting on. No getting out of it now!


Harvard Business Review found that people who take part in leisure activities may have fewer negative emotions and are less stressed. The study even found that are heart rates lower when we engage in our hobbies.

It’s good to find other things to fuel your mind outside of work. Improve on something that doesn’t make you money, no one is tracking your performance, and you can do it for fun. Whether it’s learning an instrument, aiming to read 20 books in the year, or delving into a historical subject you find interesting.

Enjoying your life outside of work is imperative for doing well inside of work. Socialise, find a sport, enjoy the outdoors, and take time to unwind.

Although your goals may be mostly related to work – kickstarting the new year is about building habits that benefit you as a person, make you happier, and give you a purpose. Your personal goals and personal relationships matter, and focusing on these will help you to show up and do well in the workplace.

- Written by Oliver Howson


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