5 Common Interview Questions For Loss Adjusters And Claims Professionals

With so many avenues to go down, it’s difficult to predict the sorts of questions an employer will ask for Loss Adjusting and Claims positions.

But we’re here to help with the top 5 common interview questions you can prepare for before your next interview:

What were you responsible for in your previous role?

Every role in this field varies. Depending on:

  • Locations covered

  • The types of claims

  • The size of claims

  • How the company delegates (usually down to the size of the company)

Of course, there are crossovers in every job and your soft skills are transferrable anywhere you go, but depending on what you focus on can have a massive impact on your expertise. 

Be prepared to discuss your day-to-day roles including your delegated authority, claims type handled etc. But don't worry, if there are areas you don't have experience with, express your interest in learning as well as explain whatever understanding you have right now.

Run us through your understanding of the claims management process.

It's often the easiest questions that trip up professionals. 

What may seem the most basic thing because you're handling it in your day-to-day role, thinking can often cause frustrating interview blanks.

For all claims-related roles, whether that be handlers, Loss Adjusters or Auditors, you will be expected to understand the full lifecycle, demonstrate this knowledge, and tailor your answer to relate to the client's expectations. (If you are working through a recruiter, it's critical to speak to them so you can understand the job specification).

If you're a Loss Adjuster, you'll have limited to no exposure to FNOL proceedings but you can still focus on:

  • Claims management software

  • Schedule of works logs

  • Investigation procedure

  • Settlements 

  • Litigation processes

If you're a Claims Auditor, you could focus your knowledge on the MOJ portal and OIC, and give specifics on how training efforts and the latest implemented procedures have either:

  • Increased customer service quality

  • Or increased efficiency

Where have you gone above and beyond in your position? 

This is a great time to use the STAR method to ensure you are thorough without waffling.

S - Situation

T - Task

A - Action

R - Result

This question is all about selling your experience and passion beyond what would be written on your CV. An example could be how you gained exposure on an HNW claim above your delegated authority due to sick leave. You can talk about what you were tasked with, what challenges you faced, and what you learned at the end of it.

Some examples of things to talk about could be:

  • How you’ve gained exposure to claims outside your delegated authority limit

  • Handled a HNW claim as cover when your day-to-day task was to sign and release domestic property

  • How you dealt with a challenging claim 

  • When you offered excellent customer service or supported your boss/ colleague in a moment of need

What soft skills do you bring to the role?

Experience will get you the interview, and your soft skills will impress the interviewer.

When handling Losses and Claims - the reality is - you will be dealing with frustrated and distressed individuals. Regardless of your seniority, the following soft skills are vital to showcase in an interview:

  • Empathy

  • Strong communication

  • Personable

  • Reliable

  • Critical thinking

  • Attention to detail

These things will not only assure an employer of your care for customers but also your thoroughness and work ethic behind the scenes.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Loss Adjusters and Claims Professionals primarily start their careers within insurance, developing a knowledge of domestic property claims, small claims or liability specialisms. 

Whilst it may seem the right answer to state management as a driver for your career - probably because you think the interviewer will want to hear it - think about the range of opportunities available outside of that. 

The great thing about the claims market is that it offers a wide range of career flexibility. For instance, you may have a passion for progressing into Major Loss Claims and as a result, make a sideways movement into Auditor roles. An employer is unlikely to question your ambition, but instead be impressed that you understand the opportunities available to you. Honesty is always the best policy.

Why are you looking for a new position?

Insurance is a close-knit market. More likely than not, interviewers will have connections in the industry and be in a position to have a clear understanding of the market and regular challenges faced. 

For example:

  • Loss of progression opportunities

  • Poor remuneration and benefits

  • Cultural issues

... Are all good motivators when true. 

Be honest but don’t use this question to slur your employer's name. Remember the interviewer will be looking at your integrity as a potential representative of their brand. Stick to one example that means the most to you and talk about it in a way of excitement towards the future, as well as how the company you're interviewing for can be of benefit to your career.


If you are looking for more advice or help finding your next job, we can help, please give us a call on: 0117 301 8495 or take a look at our jobs page. Alternatively, if you’re an employer in the UK looking to recruit and need someone with real recruiting expertise then we can help – let’s chat.


